Complete Story
Jerry Federle - 1993
Elder High School

Jerry Federle graduated from Xavier University in Cincinnati in 1968. Jerry pitched for the baseball team from 1964-1968, and graduated with a double major in Physical Education and English.
Jerry started teaching in the fall of 1968 at Elder High School. He taught English for 15 years and a Personal Motivation class the last five years. His coaching career also started in 1968 as varsity assistant in baseball and freshman football coach. From 1969 through 1976, he coached reserve baseball, as well as reserve and varsity football through 1977. Jerry's head baseball coaching career started in 1977 and continued through the 1988 season when he retired from Elder to pursue a business career by taking over his father-in-law's advertising business in 1988.
Jerry's family consists of his wife, Bonnie, who he married on June 6,1969.They have 3 children: Scott who played baseball at Elder for Jerry and at Xavier University, Heather, a graduate of Seton High school, and Todd,a graduate of Elder High School. Jerry's wife is employed at Proctor and Gamble.