Complete Story
Frank Gamble - 1998
Massillon Perry High School

FRANK GAMBLE graduated from Fairless High School where he lettered in football and baseball. He then went onto Ashland College where he graduated with a teaching degree in Sociology and Psychology. Frank attended post graduate school at Kent State University adding Social Studies to his teaching degree.
Frank started his teaching career at Tuslaw High School where he served as the head football coach for four years and the head baseball coach for sixteen years. While at Tuslaw, his teams won four years while serving as an assistant coach and head baseball coach. The past four years, he has spent many hours as the Athletic Director for girls' and boys' sports program and head baseball coach at Massillon Perry High School.
Frank Gamble's overall baseball record is 372 wins and 228 losses. He was Stark County Coach of the Year in 1995 and has coached in the All-Ohio Baseball Series in 1996. Ten of his baseball players have played in the All-Ohio Series, with forty-five of his team members playing college baseball. He has been fortunate to have two of his players drafted by the Major Leagues.
Frank is Past President of the Ohio Baseball Coaches Association, was named game director for the Series in 1991, and State Baseball Clinic Director in 1993. He presently serves as Consultant to the O.H.S.A.A. for the State Baseball Board of Directors.
Frank and his wife, Emma, have been married for 28 years and are the proud parents of two sons; Bill, and Brian.