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District Updates
I wanted to give you a few updates regarding District 9.
1. Our winter meeting will be Sunday, Feb. 16 at 2:00 at the Crestline VFW. Please mark it on your calendars. It's a little later this year because our state clinic is a little later than usual and the Super Bowl is Feb. 9. $30 dues can be paid at this time.
2. There have been a few head coaching changes and if I know about it I have added you to this email chain. I got a few names off the OHSAA website. I don't know who the new coach at Bucyrus is and Arcadia's coach's email keeps getting bounced back. If you know about these let me know. I will send an updated directory when I get new information.
3. Since we are now seven divisions, I compiled a tentative breakdown of our District 9 awards for this season using the formula we have used since 2019. We can discuss this at our meeting
Division I-III (9) | 6 first, 6 second |
Division IV (9) | 6 first, 6 second |
Division V (6) | 4 first, 4 second |
Division VI (16) | 11 first, 11 second |
Division VII (14) | 10 first, 10 second |
We could combine Divisions IV and V, but I don't think it's necessary. We can discuss this in Feb.
4. Please register and attend the state clinic Jan. 30-Feb. 1. Our clinic director Brian Hiscox has scheduled a great group of speakers and Jeff Keck (Vermilion) is going into the HOF. There is a small fee ($30) to attend the HOF luncheon this year to offset the actual plate cost ($85). This is an excellent deal to hear the speeches of the inductees. As a young coach I found this part of the clinic to be the best because I wanted to learn what made these coaches successful! Also, I will be running the vendor hall this year. Here is the link: https:// OHSBCA/pt/sp/programs-state
5. Lastly, our leadership will be the same as last year.
President: Zack Moots (Sandusky)
VP: Rick Bowerman (Seneca East)
Secretary: Kenny Fagan (Galion)